Photos by Brian Molitoris
Next Week
November 2, 2016
Freedom Memorial
Rick Crandall
                 Rotary Moment
Dave Williams read the "Rotary Moment".   It
detailed the crafting of the Rotary flag,when it 
started and when to use it.
Mike Carney was named Rotarian 
of the quarter
 Cherry Creek Kindles
Dr. Tara Helmon and secretary display
Kindles in bags ready to deliver.
Cherry Creek Kindles have arrived.
They have been put in bags labeled
with the school and its principal.
There is 1 Kindle for each 3rd grade.
Members were asked to take at 
least 2 schools to deliver the Kindles
to.  Dr. Tera Helmon, from Cherry
Creek Schools Administration, said
that she had contacted each principal
and they were expecting a call  setting
up an appointment for the delivery of 
the Kindles.  All Kindles are expected
to be delivered by November 8.
Aurora Fire Chief Mike Garcia has
announced his retirement.  There will
be a reception November 1 from 4 pm to 6 pm
at the community room of the Aurora
Central Library.  All members are invited.
  Membership Report
Brad Pierce, membership chair, and President
Patti Bateman attended a membership seminar.  
Brad made the point that all club members are
part of  the membership committee and are
expected to help recruit new members.  He
suggested that members ask prospective
members and friends to a meeting as a guest
of the club.  He also said that the seminar
suggested that a new member orientation
be held soon after the member getthe
Red Badge.  The orientation can be a one-on-
one meeting with the new member.  He has a list 
of suggested topics to cover.
The seminar also suggested that all members
become sustaining members. A sustaining
member contributes $100 annually to RI.
Some clubs are adding $25 to quarterly dues.
This would have to be passed by the board
and confirmed by a vote of the members.
Kimberly Armitage announces upcoming events.
Note: picture from previous meeting.
Upcoming Events
October 29       Fall Festival at
                             Bob Barrows Barn
6379 S Netherland Ct. 80016
Bring dessert or side dish.
November 29  Salvation Army Red Kettle
Club has reserved 10 seats
for this luncheon.  All have
been taken
December 17   Holiday Party
This Week
  October 25, 2016
      Strokes --Symptoms
What to do.
    Jill Hubert NP-C
 Cardiovascular Tech
Jill Hubert NP-C Cardiovascular Tech.,
discussed the brain, different types
of strokes and what to do in case of a stroke.
FAST is an acronym for stroke symptoms.
 If a person slurs his words, shows weakness in
one arm or the other, or cant tell right from left,
these are the symptoms of a stroke
and require a fast response, mainly getting the
person to a  trauma room ready to treat the stroke.
Jill showed pictures of the brain and identified
areas of the brain and what functions they perform.
Strokes fall into two main categories, wet and dry.
A wet stroke is one caused by a blood vessel bursting.
 This causes a lack of blood getting to a certain
area of the brain.  Not much can be done in this case.
If the patient can be stabilized, the brain sometimes
is able to have another area of the brain take over
for the missing area.  The dry stroke is due to a
blood clot blocking the flow of blood to the brain.
 Generally,this condition is treated with blood
thinners such as Warfarin or Cumedin.  
This presentation is important mainly for making
people aware and having them act quickly.
Jill's son had a stroke when he was eight,  
He is fifteen now and doing well..
Website Sponsors
Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.